Carefully geared to specific project requirements, K-Boringen offers numerous solutions for pipe-jacking and microtunnelling. Particularly where certain obstacles occur – roads, dikes, rivers, canals, railways, foundations, existing tunnels or pipes, etc. – the “no dig” method offers significant advantages for the working environment. Environmental nuisance and traffic hindrance are accordingly kept to a minimum.
K-Boringen closely follows the latest developments and works with the most recent tunnelling machines.
Technical capabilities include :
- Pipe diameters from 400 mm to 4m.
- Tunnel lengths of up to 1500 m thanks to the use of hydraulic intermediate jacking stations and automatic lubrication systems.
- Straight drives, also curved (3D) trajectory.
- Sophisticated measuring and control techniques with computer-supported laser guidance, laser theodolite and gyro.
- Tunnel face support by ground pressure, bentonite pressure, compressed air techniques or a combination.
- All soil types: sand, soft clay, gravel and also hard rock.
- Jacking pipes in all standard materials :: reinforced concrete, vitrified clay, steel, polymer concrete, GRP,…
- Construction and refurbishing of tunnelling equipment at our own workshop.